Bringing you the facts about domestic abuse
Women’s Aid is the national federation for domestic abuse services in England. In these pages you will find research and information about domestic abuse, and the impact it has on women and children.
The strength of our research lies in its access to our flagships datasets, covering the experiences of survivors at every stage of their journey, and the services supporting them. Our cutting edge service directory, monitoring and case management tools are used by services beyond our membership, including dedicated providers and housing associations. They build the most complete picture of the sector available.
Quality and ethics provide the backbone of our own research and, with our partners, we created the Research Integrity Framework to establish high standards of evidence for domestic abuse.
The Women’s Aid research team provides regularly published reports, custom research for policy and practice teams, and evaluation of new innovations in the field. By collaborating with academics, and working closely to inform public policy at every level, our research aims to put the real-life experiences of survivors at the heart of decision-making.
Sign up to receive Women’s Aid bimonthly Research Bulletin
The Research Bulletin brings together research relevant to our work and to the domestic abuse and violence against women and girls (VAWG) sector. For any enquiries about the bulletin, please email us at: researchandpolicy@womensaid.org.uk