How will you get involved?

Together, we can be there for every woman who needs us. Help build a world where domestic abuse doesn’t exist.  

Want to get involved straight away? Here are 3 quick steps you can take now

Sign up. Hear how you can help

We are a powerful force for change. Be part of it.

Mum holding child's hand

Donate. Our support saves lives

Your donation will help us be there for every woman that needs us.  

You can help end abuse. There is so much you can do to get involved.

Come Together

As Women’s Aid heads towards its 50th birthday, we are asking everyone to come together to end domestic abuse. Support our campaign today.


It is only with your support that we can continue our life-saving work to help women and children escape abuse.


Be inspired by our fundraising ideas, as well as our top tips for organising events.


Add your voice to our latest campaigns and join our network of Campaign Champions.


Find details of the latest events, conferences and training from Women’s Aid and our members.

Find a feminist freelancer

Find a Feminist Freelancer is a directory service provided by Women’s Aid, for members of our federation.

Shop the archive collection

In honor of Women’s Aid’s 50th birthday, we delved deep into our vaults to transform art and posters from the beginning of the federation into an iconic range of merchandise.  

This is what your support can do 

Change lives

Lucy escaped abuse thanks to our lifesaving support, but thousands more women desperately need us. Your donation can help us reach them

Keep children safe

Our Child First campaign is making the family courts safer for children.

Make it easier to escape abuse

In January we secured £2 million from the Home Office to help women flee. 

Join us today.


Together we can support women experiencing abuse and work to change attitudes and the law so that in the future, domestic abuse doesn’t exist. Sign up to receive email updates about our work and how you can get involved through donating, fundraising and campaigning.

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