Dedicated service for professionals

Dedicated service for professionals

Women’s Aid is running a dedicated service for professionals who are currently working with survivors of domestic abuse, seeking refuge accommodation and support.

About the service

This service is aimed at professionals who may be supporting survivors of domestic abuse. This could include housing officers, police officers, social workers, health workers, probation officers and those working in education or the voluntary sector. We understand that it can be difficult to support survivors of domestic abuse without the ability to access specialist resources. The professionals’ service can provide dedicated support, information about safety planning, referral pathways or up-to-date refuge vacancies in a certain area, or other local specialist support, such as outreach, drop-ins, counselling services and advocacy projects.

This service has been really helpful. I received some very relevant, specialised, and personalised advice for my client. I know much more about how refuge services in this area work following this call. The call taker was also professional, knowledgeable and kind.

This service is not aimed at professionals who already have access to the Routes to Support database. 

The professionals’ service is not a referral route into the No Woman Turned Away project. If you’re eligible to make referrals to the NWTA project, access the referral form here.

If you’re a professional supporting a survivor of domestic abuse, contact a support worker via the contact form

By using our dedicated service for professionals, our direct services team can support you with information on the dynamics of domestic abuse, safety planning, and up-to-date information on vacancies in refuges and availability of other VAWG services, such as outreach, drop-ins, counselling services and advocacy projects.

We will aim to respond to requests the same working day during the current opening hours of Monday to Friday 10-4pm.

The service is amazing and as a result of the knowledge […] given to me, there is a family that has now been placed in safety though joint professional support.

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