Local support near you
Our directory contains up to date information about domestic abuse support services across the UK. It is regularly updated by the services listed so you’ll be able to find the right local support, when you need it most.
Find the right support service for you
Women’s Aid’s directory contains details of local, regional and national services specialising in violence against women and girls including domestic abuse, sexual violence, forced marriage and stalking/harassment.
Our directory is powered by Routes to Support, which has provided detailed information about services since 2003. This means it is constantly updated by the services listed and contains a comprehensive listing of services throughout the UK.
If you are on a slower connection then this search can take slightly longer to return results.
Reaching out for help
We know asking for help isn’t easy. But if you think you’re in an abusive relationship, getting in touch with your local support service can be an important first step. Services are fully trained and can give you a confidential space to explore your options and make safe decisions.
It’s never too early or late to reach out.
Women’s Aid’s package of online support has something for everyone, if you want to talk to a trained professional support worker you can contact our Live Chat helpline, for peer support sign up for our Survivors’ Forum or see our Survivors’ Handbook for online information about domestic abuse.
Am I experiencing abuse? If things don’t feel right, they usually aren’t right. These simple questions will help.
I’m worried about someone. If you know or think someone is being abused, we can help
Can I find support for men?
Many of the services listed in our directory also support male survivors so you select these services using the search criteria. Please note that our directory will only show services for men where a service is also provided for women. For a list of all support for men available call the Men’s Advice Line or Live Free From Fear Helpline in Wales.
Am I experiencing abuse?
If things don’t feel right, they usually aren’t right. These simple questions will help.
I’m worried about someone
If you know or think someone is being abused, we can help.
Chat to us first
If you’re worried, get in touch with us and we can answer any questions.
Specific services
Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Project
Asha Projects
Ashiana Network
Claudia Jones Organisation
Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO)
Jewish Women’s Aid
Kiran Support Services
Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women’s Organisation
Latin American Women’s Aid
London Black Women’s Project
North East
North West
Rochdale Women’s Welfare Organisation
Sahara in Preston
West Midlands
Roshni – Birmingham
For full listings of services in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland, please visit:
Scottish Women’s Aid
Welsh Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland
Women’s Aid, Republic of Ireland
Supporting your local Women’s Aid service
Our federation of frontline services help women at the most challenging times of their lives. The power of us together, united in supporting survivors of domestic abuse, is formidable. Together we help save lives every day – please support our member services if you can by:
- Donating goods: Unfortunately the Women’s Aid national office is unable to accept donated items as all refuges are run by our member services. To donate clothes, toys or other items to Women’s Aid refuges, please search below for one near you.
- Volunteering: Volunteering opportunities at Women’s Aid national office are advertised here. To volunteer locally please contact your local Women’s Aid service.
- Fundraising and donating: Our member services are struggling on shoe string budgets, donations can make a huge difference.
Other useful information
Challenging myths
Understanding domestic abuse is the first step to helping end it.
Supporting children
Useful advice on how best to help children experiencing abuse.
Survivors Handbook
Provides practical information for women experiencing domestic abuse.