Women’s Aid responds to Stephen Bear sentencing


Farah Nazeer, chief executive at Women’s Aid, said:  

“Image based sexual abuse, which can also be known as ‘revenge porn’, has a long-lasting and traumatic impact on women. We are pleased to see that a prison sentence has been given in this case, as we know that so many domestic abuse cases are not prosecuted or even reported at all. This is a step in the right direction but more needs to be done to support women and girls facing abuse. Image based sexual abuse is traumatic and humiliating for survivors, and it is unacceptable that there are online pornography websites who are profiting from this abuse, we need to ensure that these sites are effectively sanctioned and held responsible.

This outcome sends the right message to young people, that this abuse is a criminal offence and will not be tolerated. We admire Georgia Harrison for speaking so openly about her experiences and for giving other women and girls the courage to find the support they need. If you are worried about your relationship, please reach out to Women’s Aid.”

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