Not Model’s Own
This campaign, created by Engine Creative for Women’s Aid, highlights the often hidden aspect of domestic abuse – coercive control. Women were photographed modelling stylish and beautiful clothing, however, styling credits are not what you would expect. Instead of crediting brands, credit is instead given to ‘model’s partner’, highlighting the ever too real side of this type of abuse – complete control.
Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, 71.1% of survivors who responded to our survey who were experiencing current abuse told us that their abuser used COVID-19 as a tool to increase control over their lives. During this time, Women’s Aid also introduced a live chat function to provide a number of different avenues for women to seek support which reported a 41% increase between the 19th-25th March and 26th March-1st April.

Our aim for this campaign is to highlight the way that coercive control can so often go unnoticed, by both the survivor and those around her. On the surface what looks like a healthy, happy relationship is in fact filled with fear and isolation.

We want to raise awareness of the support that is available for survivors, regardless of the type of abuse. Please click the button below for more information.