About Change That Lasts

Women’s Aid Federation of England, in partnership with Welsh Women’s Aid and in consultation with survivors, has developed Change That Lasts. 

The model is informed by a review of the literature and current approaches for tackling domestic abuse. Change That Lasts places the survivor at the heart of the response, and building around her needs and the strengths and resources available to her.

Our decades of experience working with survivors, and the evidence of research, have taught us that there is a better way to tackle domestic abuse. By listening to women, we can provide help earlier and make sure its effects last. Change That Lasts is made up of three main schemes that involve the whole community in taking a stand against domestic abuse. These schemes ensure that survivors and their children can access help wherever they disclose abuse:

Each scheme will help women and children to reach safety, freedom and independence.

How it works

The impact 

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