Women’s Aid launch ‘Step Forward for Survivors’ fundraising challenge
Women’s Aid, the leading national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children, have launched its flagship annual fundraising challenge, ‘Step Forward for Survivors’.
The Step Forward for Survivors Challenge is calling on the public to show their solidarity with survivors of domestic abuse by running or walking 60 miles during September. Walking or running for the equivalent of just 2 miles a day will not only impact your health and wellbeing but could also help save a life. It isn’t too late joining those fundraising this month, you can still sign up to take part in the challenge here.
Every step taken and penny raised will help the charity to make the world a safer place for women and children. By taking part, or donating to support the challenge, Women’s Aid will raise awareness for the 1 in 4 women who will experience domestic abuse within their lifetime. Donations will allow them to continue providing the life-saving support survivors need to heal from abuse.
Just £10 could fund a life-saving conversation between a survivor and a professional on our Live Chat.
Emily*, a survivor of domestic abuse, said:
“I spent many years surviving so much misery, I had no job, no money, no confidence. I was trying to raise 2 daughters and life was hellish. I lived in constant fear, and it was exhausting.
I used Live Chat after an abusive incident. I felt completely low and powerless. The conversation helped me realise I still had options to explore, someone is there to listen to me and understands me. That conversation meant the world to me. Everything good about my life now, I can trace back to the support that Women’s Aid provided me.”
You can follow the progress of participants on the Step Forward for Survivors Challenge webpage. The total miles walked by our fab fundraisers, as well as the total money raised, will be continually updated here. You are also able to donate here , if you are keen to support but do not know any individuals or teams participating.
While this year’s challenge is only just beginning, in previous years, the challenge has had support from various famous faces, including Michelle Griffith-Robinson, Lucy Gaskell, and Rachel Khoo.
Women’s Aid will be posting regular updates on the Women’s Aid Instagram, highlighting participants’ journeys, fundraising milestones, and sharing survivor stories that show why the challenge is so important.
Faye Connelly, Head of Fundraising at Women’s Aid, said:
“With domestic abuse having been declared a national emergency we need your support more than ever. Domestic abuse is at an epidemic level, with 1 in 4 women experiencing domestic abuse in their lifetimes. Support #TeamWomensAid and help us raise life-saving funds for the women and children who access our services every day.
We are incredibly grateful to each and every one of you who supports us by taking part in our challenges. Your participation changes survivors’ lives by ensuring they can access the specialist support they need”